Molotov Design
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The Communication Craftsmen!
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Webdesign and Print-Studio Molotov Design:

presenting you in the most explosive way.

Premium Design for your Web and Print Projects - made in Luxembourg

Molotov is a web and graphic studio in which we develop creative solutions to visual and web communication needs of our clients, complete with full service of multimedia, video and photography.

In Molotov, we understand design and understand business. We have the ideas and experience to make you different. We develop any type of project, from design to web development and print. We can develop your project from start to finish regardless of the size of your company, the only thing that matters is that you have the desire to grow and be different. Because we know the power of big ideas ...

Molotov Design - Powering your Events


Helping you to organize conferences, we can provide you with technical help, venue organization and catering services, so that your event will be remembered as awesome!

Molotov Design - for every wish you might have!

and more...

Newsletter -sending
(online & offline),
Web Advertising Banners, SEO,
Social Network - management (Facebook, Twitter...)

Premium Design for

all your Print & Web projects

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Molotov Design - proud to be recognised as a Made in Luxembourg - Company and proud to host our sites in Luxembourg
Built with HTML5, CSS3, Awesomeness and a lot of coffee!
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